Monday, October 31, 2011

Never Enough Time

I'm headed to Houston on Wednesday for the Story Master's Weekend with the legendary Christopher Vogler, Donald Maass, and James Scott Bell.

So I have a billion and two things to get done before I go. Boring stuff like laundry and packing, but also my prep for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month for those who don't know). And I have tattoos to do tomorrow. Five appointments, back to back, and whatever time left over I have to use to make sure everything at the shop is taken care of for my absence.

Cheese and effing rice, that's not enough time.

I never have enough time.

Managing a busy tattoo shop, balancing quality time with my awesome husband (it's our anniversary today, by the way), trying (and mostly failing) to see my family, and portioning away what little left over time I have for writing?

*sigh* I'm exhausted just typing that.

But there are so many writers in the world who juggle most of that and MORE. Some of them have children too. How do they do it? How can they possibly make all of it happen?

Mad skills.
And a whole lot of discipline.

Skills I got.
Meh, not so much.

I think participating in NaNoWriMo will really help. To save face among my fellow writer buddies and make my goal of 50,000 words by November 30th, I HAVE to stay disciplined. I have to put at least 1700 words on the page every day, which means writing through every available second.

And I will.

Eyes on the prize, my friends. Eyes on the prize.

Stay tuned this month to see if I'm a good juggler.

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