Saturday, December 10, 2011

Disappointment Can Be Fun

Okay. Confession.


I did not complete NaNoWriMo.

At first, I was upset. Disappointed. Melancholy. Now...not so much.

When I started, I had some grand illusions.

1. This story will be fun.
2. This story will be easy to write. (should have been a pretty clear sign right there)
3. This story will fall in line exactly the way I want it to. (another terrible omen)

Well, since I didn't have an outline to work from or any real clue as to which direction the story was headed, I just let my lead show me his life and, in the process, I saw the hidden strings behind those illusions. Actually, my CHARACTER showed me the strings. He's shown me a lot of things about pantsing too. And thank cheese and rice he did because I am so in love with the story now. Even though it's taken me to some VERY dark and uncomfortable places. *shivers*

So, I guess my point for this post is to not set boundaries on yourself. Or, rather, I won't set limits on myself. (Not that I won't have a daily writing goal. I think those are essential.) I'm just not going to sell my characters, myself, or possible future readers short by leaving stones unturned. There's a dark corner in that basement, and damn it, I'm going to go look and see what atrocities might lurk there...maybe not. Some dark corners are better left in the dark.

And if it takes me more than a month to write it, who cares?

I'm having fun.

1 comment:

  1. One of the things I enjoy about pantsing is that I never know where my characters are going to take me. I'm always surprised, on the edge of my seat, about what's going to happen next. That keeps writing exciting for me.
    Disappointment is fun. Pantsing is fun.
